The medical utility outcomes of the IMPACT-AD BC study have now been peer-reviewed and published in one of the leading journals in the field dementia care:
Patel K, Yang D, Best JR, Chambers C, Lee PE, Henri-Bhargava A, Funnell CR, Foti DJ, Pettersen JA, Feldman HH, Nygaard HB, Hsiung GYR, DeMarco ML. Clinical value of Alzheimer’s disease biomarker testing. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024;10(2):e12464.
This first-of-its-kind study has provided a comprehensive understanding of the value of Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid biomarker testing in guiding medical decision-making. Biomarker testing was associated with significant and positive changes in clinical management, including decreased health care resource use, pharmacotherapy optimization, and increased patient and family member counselling.
For additional details please see the open-access version of the article at: